Week 1 recap:
The Low-Down:
OK, so I'm on a six-week workout plan, which basically lets me start over from scratch weight-training wise. It's written under the assumption that I do not know JACK about weight-training (not true. I do know a bit of jack.) and that my body has not made the "neuro-physiological" advances needed to lift heavier and more effectively. I totally forgot to mention it. My bad.
The Lifting:
First week was a three full-body workouts split. Supposedly, it's too break me in the business. Here's the full routine:
3 x 10-12 Incline Bench Press
3 x 10-12 Upright Row
3 x 10-12 Shoulder Press
3 x 12-15 Leg Press
3 x 12-15 Barbell Curl
3 x 12-15 Tricep Pushdown
3 x 15-20 Crunches
I liked it. It was a full body workout easily completed in more or less an hour. Plus, it forced me to stick to a routine, making sure I was hitting all major muscle groups.
Putting the DIE in DIET:
This week went very well for a first week. I was able to withstand all temptations, I only had two pre-arranged cheat MEALS (not days), and I'm getting the hang of how to broil chicken breasts.
All in all, a successful first week! :D
You're an inspiration to us all. :p I actually attended a BodyPump class this morning so I could hit all my muscle groups.
noelle> i try *brave face*
haha how's your gym life gonna be with house guests over? :-/
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