Monday, July 31, 2006

My body is a temple, which is to say, I let everything in.

I overate on japanese food and burgers last night, thinking it couldn't be so bad, considering I've never seen a fat japanese guy (with the obvious exception of sumo wrestlers). That thought tickled me so much, that I actually decided to do a little research on it. This is what I got:

How healthy is Japanese food?

The average life span of Japanese people is more than eighty years, and this is the longest lifespan in the world. One of the main reasons for the longevity of Japanese is their food. Usually they do not use oil and fat very much, and their way of cooking is simple because for them it is important to keep the texture of food, and to use a lot of different kinds of food material. All of these characteristics of Japanese food are dependent on the fact that they can get fresh food material easily. Japan is an island that has a long shape from north to south. Several mountain ranges run through the country and it is surrounded by sea. This makes it easy to get fresh and varied food material from the sea, the mountains, and the fields of different regions with different climates.

So what the hell was I eating last night? Because I felt like CRAP after -- Not even bursting-full crap, just fried-oil-saturated crap.

Sigh. Another stumble in the long climb to underwear model superstardom.

Sunday, July 30, 2006


I've been kept out of the gym the last two days with a severe case of DOMS in my chest and back area, so I'm giving myself a "google search" workout:

Muscle soreness is something that every trainer has experienced. The typical advice is to wait until you're not sore to train that muscle again. But what if you can actually get BETTER results by training when sore!

It's safe to say that muscle soreness is something EVERY trainer has experienced at some point in their career. Severity of muscle soreness (known as Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness or DOMS for short) can range from mild discomfort when you move to the point of being almost crippling.

One of the most frequent questions I am asked is "should you train when your muscles are still sore?" The answer is..

I feel stronger already.

Friday, July 28, 2006

About Testoster-Owned!

This blog will mainly cover (but is not limited to) my poker, basketball, and weight-training exploits, all dedicated to taking me closer to one day modelling underwear to pay for law school. Why? Because THAT would be so cool.

Tell your friends, homies, Gs and homeboys.