Thursday, September 21, 2006

I'm feeling fan-ducking-tastically DEFIANT!

This morning, I realized that I could no longer type the word f-u-c-k without quotation marks, asterisks, or dashes in between the letters. It seems that my keyboard has sort of developed a conscience and insists on editing my god-given freedom of profanity! Holy censoring keyboard, batman!

Moving on. To explain the title of this post, I realize that this is a workout/diet journal. However, I also realize that it's MY ducking blog, and I can post whatever the duck I want to. Having said that, I will now post ANYTHING I want to on this blog. I staked my claim in this motherducking piece of online real estate, so I'll do whatever the duck I'm inclined to with it!

HMn. Keyboard's still ducked up. motherducker.


At 3:31 PM, Blogger Noelle De Guzman said...



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